Smiles of Innocence
For the past 10 years, Salex has been proudly supporting The Hospital for Sick Children through our exciting Night at the Races event. An evening of fun, philanthropy and mingling with colleagues at Woodbine Racetrack, our annual fundraiser sees close to 200 attendees from the lighting specification industry, including landscape architects, lighting designers and engineers.
This year’s event, held on June 24, marked the 10th anniversary of Night at the Races. The evening kicked off with a cocktail mix and mingle, before continuing on to dinner and horseracing. Guests purchased raffled tickets and participated in a live auction. Throughout the evening, Salex Partners Nick, Paul and George acted as MCs and guests had a chance to win one of many amazing prizes generously donated by some of our manufacturers, including Beghelli, WattStopper, Delta Light, Juno, Selux and Encelium.
With more than 170 attendees, Night at the Races 2015 raised $12,000, with Salex and its Principals matching the funds to bring the grand total to an incredible $36,000! Working with Smiles of Innocence, in support of the SickKids Foudnation, the success of this year’s event will contribute to the purchase of five Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) heaters for the Hospital, a total value of $77,000, which provide much needed cardiac and respiratory support for children in intensive care.
To date, we have raised over $250,000 for The Hospital for Sick Children. With your generous support, we look forward to continuing this momentum and further contributing to the SickKids Foundation.
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